grdgradient - Compute directional gradients from a grid.
from pygmt.clib import Session
from pygmt.exceptions import GMTInvalidInput
from pygmt.helpers import (
from pygmt.io import process_output_grid
@kwargs_to_strings(A="sequence", E="sequence", R="sequence")
def grdgradient(grid, **kwargs):
Compute the directional derivative of the vector gradient of the data.
Can accept ``azimuth``, ``direction``, and ``radiance`` input to create
the resulting gradient.
Full option list at :gmt-docs:`grdgradient.html`
grid : str or xarray.DataArray
The file name of the input grid or the grid loaded as a DataArray.
outgrid : str or None
The name of the output netCDF file with extension .nc to store the grid
azimuth : int or float or str or list
*azim*\ [/*azim2*].
Azimuthal direction for a directional derivative; *azim* is the
angle in the x,y plane measured in degrees positive clockwise from
north (the +y direction) toward east (the +x direction). The
negative of the directional derivative, -[dz/dx\*sin(*azim*) +
dz/dy\*cos(\ *azim*)], is found; negation yields positive values
when the slope of z(x,y) is downhill in the *azim* direction, the
correct sense for shading the illumination of an image by a light
source above the x,y plane shining from the *azim* direction.
Optionally, supply two azimuths, *azim*/*azim2*, in which case the
gradients in each of these directions are calculated and the one
larger in magnitude is retained; this is useful for illuminating data
with two directions of lineated structures, e.g., *0*/*270*
illuminates from the north (top) and west (left). Finally, if *azim*
is a file it must be a grid of the same domain, spacing and
registration as *grid* that will update the azimuth at each output
node when computing the directional derivatives.
direction : str
Find the direction of the positive (up-slope) gradient of the data.
To instead find the aspect (the down-slope direction), use **a**.
By default, directions are measured clockwise from north, as *azim*
in ``azimuth``. Append **c** to use conventional Cartesian angles
measured counterclockwise from the positive x (east) direction.
Append **o** to report orientations (0-180) rather than
directions (0-360). Append **n** to add 90 degrees to all angles
(e.g., to give local strikes of the surface).
radiance : str or list
[**m**\|\ **s**\|\ **p**]\ *azim/elev*\ [**+a**\ *ambient*][**+d**\
*diffuse*][**+p**\ *specular*][**+s**\ *shine*].
Compute Lambertian radiance appropriate to use with ``grdimage``
and ``grdview``. The Lambertian Reflection assumes an ideal surface
that reflects all the light that strikes it and the surface appears
equally bright from all viewing directions. Here, *azim* and *elev* are
the azimuth and elevation of the light vector. Optionally, supply
*ambient* [0.55], *diffuse* [0.6], *specular* [0.4], or *shine* [10],
which are parameters that control the reflectance properties of the
surface. Default values are given in the brackets. Use **s** for a
simpler Lambertian algorithm. Note that with this form you only have
to provide azimuth and elevation. Alternatively, use **p** for
the Peucker piecewise linear approximation (simpler but faster
algorithm; in this case the *azim* and *elev* are hardwired to 315
and 45 degrees. This means that even if you provide other values
they will be ignored.)
ret: xarray.DataArray or None
Return type depends on whether the ``outgrid`` parameter is set:
- :class:`xarray.DataArray` if ``outgrid`` is not set
- None if ``outgrid`` is set (grid output will be stored in file set by
with GMTTempFile(suffix=".nc") as tmpfile:
if not args_in_kwargs(args=["A", "D", "E"], kwargs=kwargs):
raise GMTInvalidInput(
"""At least one of the following parameters must be specified:
azimuth, direction, or radiance"""
with Session() as lib:
file_context = lib.virtualfile_from_data(check_kind="raster", data=grid)
with file_context as infile:
if "G" not in kwargs.keys(): # if outgrid is unset, output to tempfile
kwargs.update({"G": tmpfile.name})
outgrid = kwargs["G"]
arg_str = " ".join([infile, build_arg_string(kwargs)])
lib.call_module("grdgradient", arg_str)
return process_output_grid(outgrid, tmpfile.name)